ULTIMATE | Sear Spring (Eric Grauffel)


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ULTIMATE | Sear Spring (Eric Grauffel)


The Ultimate spring range was developed by Eric Grauffel and his team to improve your shooting sensation. These springs are ideal for shooting in competition, they will guarantee lightness and performance.

This spring is compatible with all the CZ 75 type of pistols. (Shadow 2, SP01, TS, Czechmate ...)

Each spring (sear or trigger) will provide a 15% reduction in weight compared to the original spring.

The tests are carried out on a Shadow 2 factory weapon. On 10 weighings, the highest and the lowest are removed. The average is carried out on the eight remaining weighings.


Trigger Spring 

Factory Spring 

652 Gr 

4 Coils 


Ultimate Spring 


4 Coils 

Gain Of 15 %


Trigger And Sear Spring 

Factory Trigger + Sear Spring

955,75 Gr

Factory Sear : 4 Coils 


Factory Trigger Spring + Ultimate Sear Spring 

808 Gr 


Gain Of 15,5 % 

Ultimate Trigger + Sear Springs 

678 Gr 

Ultimate Sear : 4 Coils 

Gain Of 30 %



**Do not forget that the springs are part of the wearing parts of your weapon!

**Any modification to your weapon will void its warranty.

**Any change of part on your weapon must be carried out by a qualified gunsmith.

**SARL Eric Grauffel declines all responsibility concerning a misinstallation.




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