PD | 40SW Barrel Reaming (Hard Coating/Melonite/DLC)

Patriot Defense

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Patriot Defense | 40SW Barrel Reaming (Hard Coating/Melonite/DLC)

We utilize our Custom Match Throat Reamer to ensure we bring your short leade to an acceptable OAL length to allow a much greater range of projectile and OAL to be utilized. This service will greatly increase reliability in guns with short/no “leade” and has no negative affect on accuracy. Usual turnaround time is less than 24hrs and pricing includes return shipping back to you. Please send dummy rounds if you plan to use a specific projectile and OAL. 


Please mail your barrel to with a copy of your invoice enclosed:


3352 CR 212

Anderson, TX 77830


*For CZ or other melonite treated barrels please use hardened barrel reaming service

*Please ensure barrel is clean when sending or an additional cleaning charge may incur. 

*Please ensure barrel is properly packaged when shipped to prevent damage during transit

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